Water flowing through abandoned coal mines contributed acid mine drainage (AMD) to Maryland’s Aaron Run, causing the stream’s pH level to fail to meet the state’s water quality standard for pH. -Read more-
Month: October 2018
The Benefits of Acid Mine Drainage Remediation on the North Branch Potomac River
After decades of impairment, a successful program initiated by innovative staff at Maryland state agencies has transformed the North Branch Potomac River into a popular recreational river and a driver of local economic development. -Read more-
Utah’s abandoned mines: Six-thousand closed, many more to go
Utah’s Abandoned Mine Reclamation Program has closed about 6,000 of the estimated 17,000 abandoned mines in Utah. -Read More-
Dustin Morin – Land Reclamation
Dustin Morin is a Land Reclamation Inspector for the Alabama Department of Labor, Abandoned Mine Land Program. Before he began a career in public service he worked as an environmental consultant to the U.S. EPA which provided him a strong scientific background and technical skill set. – More here –